Friday Morning Refresh Series (Oct-Dec 2020)

What practices help buy ourselves up amid continued suffering, outsized need, and needless violence and put our shoulders behind possibility, transformative movements, and new connection? How do we maintain steadiness and clear-sightedness about the steps toward a future worth living?


In this 8-part series, we will come together to practice the habits of mindfulness: patience, non-judgment, trust, acceptance, letting go, curiosity, and non-striving. We will increase our tolerance for sitting in uncertainty. We will do so to cultivate the type of presence and alignment to our values that will support us amid challenges and opportunities alike. We will practice stretching our hearts and freeing our minds to accommodate the incredible peaks and valleys of the human experience in 2020 and beyond.


Three of our sessions (Oct. 23, Nov. 13, and Dec. 4) will be interactive, with time for learning and exchange among participants. Both longer and brief sessions will include gentle yoga followed by a short guided meditation.


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