The number of people affected by the COVID-19 virus across the country continues to grow. We are proud of the steps we are taking in Oakland and across the Bay Area to flatten the curve and to support our most vulnerable communities, such as seniors, children, people experiencing homelessness, first responders, local businesses and low-wage workers, to name a few. You can help by donating to the Oakland COVID-19 Relief Fund. Your tax-deductible donations will go to non-profit community organizations or public agencies who are diligently working to protect the health of Oakland and support our...


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The COVID-19 Response Fund will offer flexible resources to organizations in our area working with communities who are disproportionately impacted by coronavirus and the economic consequences of this outbreak. The fund will help support the increased demand that Placer County nonprofit service providers are facing related to the impact of COVID-19. PCF is communicating and coordinately closely with local government and social services organizations to understand where charitable dollars are needed most and have the greatest potential for impact. This includes Placer County Health & Human...


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In response to the Coronavirus crisis, the Community Foundation has activated the COVID-19 Relief Fund to distribute resources to local nonprofits supporting those impacted by this crisis and the economic fallout that is likely to follow. The Community Foundation has committed $50,000 to the Fund, and we will continue to solicit additional resources from corporate partners and generous donors. In essence, this emergency fund is the fastest, most efficient way to get dollars into the hands of nonprofits serving our neighbors and friends who are most affected. It will address the immediate and...


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COVID-19 presents tremendous challenges for already struggling refugee families. The majority of San Diego’s refugee workers are in the restaurant, hotel, and transportation industries hardest hit by the pandemic. Even with the City of San Diego taking action to halt evictions, foreclosures, and utility shut-offs, people already struggling to make ends meet are now managing reduced work hours or furloughs, school closures, childcare challenges, and food scarcity.Community members have lost their jobs, drivers are facing major disruption with Uber and Lyft, and families have children that need...


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Humboldt Area Foundation and our affiliate, Wild Rivers Community Foundation, launched the COVID-19 Regional Response Fund to address the immediate and emerging needs of our region's most vulnerable residents—from mitigation to eventual recovery from the coronavirus pandemic. The COVID-19 Regional Response Fund will support urgent community needs identified by our regional partners. The fund will make grants on a rolling basis to nonprofits, charitable organizations and public agencies meeting the immediate needs of residents in Trinity, Humboldt, Del Norte and Curry counties. The fund's...


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In the days and weeks ahead, the impact of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic will continue to present enormous challenges to the personal and professional lives of all who call the Sacramento region home. What has become clear in the first days of this national health emergency is that some of us are better positioned to manage these unprecedented changes than others. We know the crisis will have an even more challenging impact on small businesses, lower-wage workers and their families, and nonprofit organizations. Public, private, labor and nonprofit leaders throughout the Sacramento...


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The COVID-19 pandemic presents unprecedented challenges throughout the SF Bay Area and the nation, as well as in the Bay Area’s LGBTQ community. These challenges come in the form of threats to the health and well-being of hundreds of thousands of LGBTQ people living in the nine Bay Area counties, including those most at risk for COVID-19-related illness. The pandemic and related economic shutdowns also threaten to overwhelm the capacity of critical LGBTQ community nonprofits, as well as pose near- and long-term financial hardship. Horizons is making available $275,000 in immediate funding for...


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The communities of El Dorado County are committed to the place we live. We meet challenge with strength, adversity with kindness, and need with an outpouring of support. We will make it through this, and with your help, we will ensure all our neighbors will as well. 100% of what you give will assist our children, our families, our older adults and the places we call home. VISIT FUND


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