
As California prepares for its first all-mail voting election, philanthropy can provide resources in critical areas to ensure that all voters – particularly people of color, immigrants, new voters, and first-time voters – can fully participate in


The Philanthropy California team spoke with our friends at Catchafire, a partner of the Annenberg Foundation, Weingart Foundation, and several other California grantmakers. Catchafire provides grantmakers with custom programs to enable capacity-building and operational support at scale for nonprofits, primarily by matching them with virtual, skills-based volunteers. In this blog, its team shared with us what they’ve learned about the needs of California nonprofits during the coronavirus pandemic. 


Philanthropy’s response to the novel coronavirus has been quick and generous. Many are asking, “Who have we reached? Who have we missed?”

We are helping our partners at Candid track philanthropy’s response to the coronavirus pandemic. We urge our members to share what they’ve done in this publicly available map


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